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Please contact me via E-mail, and provide me with your name and an image of your signature. I use the vibration of your name and the visual of your signature to attain a vision of the spirit or spirits who avail themselves to me. Upon completion I will then mail you the completed sketch with a brief impression in writing of whomever is pictured.
The cost of a  Spirit/ Angel Portrait  is $50 payable via Check or Money order, or paypal.

Spirit/ Angel Portrait Sitting in Sarasota are $100
for a half hour sitting.This includes the time for the sketch
and a reading.

Spirit/ Angel Portrait Session involves the combined talents of both Lori Marshall and Mark Sanders. We will sit with you and provide evidential mediumship in tandem. As Lori works with her guides to bring you a communicator, I work in silence with my paper and pencil and sketch the face of someone you may recognize. I then follow up with my mediumistic and psychic impressions.
Together we provide a truly unique and memorable experience.200.
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